Monday, April 19, 2010

StesCodes Encryption / Decryption Algorithm Using

This algorithm follows the concept of data compression method, the below is the diagrammatic representation
Diagrammatic representation of StesCodes encryption/decryption algorithm
Encryption is the process of transforming information or data using an algorithm
to make it unreadable to anyone except those who implements it, usually
referred to as a key. In our case in order to add more security we add with a constant number.
The output of encryption process is called ciphertext. In order to make the unreadable encrypted text to
eadable text we use a process called decryption which is a reverse process of encryption technique.

Stescodes encryption / decryption algorithm
which was developed for, C# and In stescodes
algorithm it uses a algorithm technique which is called compression techniqe and shift operations, finally adding
with a key value inorde to add more security. In the part of decryption stescodes uses the same technique in
reverse order that is minus with the key value and decompress.
click here to view demo
click here to download Source Code

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